Virginia Academy of Clinical Psychologists (VACP)

Virginia Academy of Clinical Psychologists (VACP) is the voice of professional clinical psychology within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Its purpose is "the advancement of Clinical Psychology as a science, as a profession, and as a means of promoting human welfare by developing and encouraging high standards of ethics and training; by providing the opportunity for the exchange of experience and research through discussions, presentation and publications; and by educating the public in the purposes and goals of the art and science of the practice of clinical psychology for the promotion of the public welfare."

VACP's Views on Important Issues

Welcome New Members!

  • Nicholas Brown
  • David Coddington
  • Kathryn K. Grueninger, Psy.D.
  • Hilary L. Linderman, Psy.D.
  • Reva K. O'Hallarn, Psy.D.
  • Jessica L. Peck, Psy.D.
  • Ryan Steadman
  • Aaron D. Williams, Psy.D.

Trust Insurance Benefit for VACP Members
