Event Calendar
2024 VACP Spring Conference
Hotel 24 South
24 S Market Street
Staunton, VA 24401
Friday, April 19, 2024, 7:30 PM to Saturday, April 20, 2024, 3:30 AM EST
Category: VACP Events

Please join us for the Virginia Academy of Clinical Psychologists (VACP) Spring Conference, April 19-20, 2024, at Hotel 24 South in Staunton, Virginia. The theme of the Spring conference: “The Impact of Small t/Little t Traumas on Emotional and Psychological Wellbeing." 

Registration for this event closed on April 4, 2024. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

Click here for the complete program

Lodging Information - Hotel 24 South

Rooms are $145.00* / night and rates are available April 18-19. All guestroom rates are subject to state and local taxes, currently 12%. Discounted room rates available until March 18, 2024, so please call 540-885-4848 and mention VACP to make your reservations.

Invitation from Continuing Education Committee Chair:

When we think about trauma, we typically associate it with experiences of war/combat, natural disasters, abuse, terrorism, or catastrophic accidents. Trauma can be distressing, often undermining one's sense of control and hijacking the ability to make sense of the situation or incorporate it into current reality. However, one does not have to go through an overtly distressing event for it to have an impact on them. A series of smaller or less noticeable events known as small "t" traumas (e.g., bullying, emotional abuse, academic struggles, disruption to a healthy parent-child bond, chronic pain, change or loss of employment, financial difficulties, abrupt relocation, caregiver stress, family conflict, infidelity or the loss of a significant relationship) can overwhelm our ability to cope, disrupt our emotional welfare, and threaten the ego. Evidence in the current literature shows that repeated exposure to small “t” traumas can sometimes inflict more significant emotional damage than experiencing a single big “T” traumatic event. 

By exploring the impact of these seemingly less significant events, psychologists can gain a more comprehensive assessment of the emotional functioning and overall well-being of clients, as even seemingly minor events can significantly impact an individual's mental health. Recognizing the impact of small "t" traumas also promotes a more holistic approach to mental health care, allowing psychologists to address the broader context of client lives and develop interventions that promote healing and resilience. 

This conference aims to explore and examine the effects of less overtly distressing traumas on individuals' emotional and psychological well-being. It will delve into the understanding of how these seemingly minor traumas can have a significant impact on mental health and the implications for assessment, treatment, and support. The conference will bring together researchers, clinicians, and professionals in the field to share knowledge, insights, and best practices in working with individuals affected by small "t" traumas. It will provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussions and foster a deeper understanding of the complex nature of trauma and its influence on emotional and psychological well-being. 

I look forward to yet another opportunity for learning, serving our communities together, and advancing the field of psychology.

Warm Regards, 

Ridjie Chery, Psy.D., LCP
Continuing Education Committee Chair

Contact: [email protected]