Virginia Academy of Clinical Psychologists
- Advocacy at the National, State and Local level
- Legislative lobbying to protect patients and our profession
- Advocacy with insurance and managed-care organizations
- Support for prescription privileges in Virginia
- APA representation
- Professional Services
- VACP and NVCP publications
- Colleague Assistance Program
- Stimulating conventions
- Ethical consultation
And when you join Northern Virginia Clinical Psychologists, you can network with over 200 Local Clinical Psychologists
- Professional Development & Networking
- Internet message board forum
- Business of Practice events
- Peer referrals
- Mentoring service
- Electronic newsletter published three times per year (Members are invited to develop an article highlighting an area of expertise)
- Quality CE Luncheon programs
- Typically programs are threetimes annually
- Earn up to 9 CEs a year, including annual ethics CEs
- Programs are approximately half price (or $60) for members ($110 for non-NVCP members)
- A savings of $150-off each year if you attend all three
- NVCP Website
- A free listing in the NVCP “Find a Psychologist” on-line directory
- Your practice information is included on our “Find a Psychologist” referral service for the public (Thousands of hits per year)
- News updates for high profile psychological/psychiatric research findings